Saturday Evening SPHS Alumni Reunion
The four amigos chuckle over a joke: John Theisen, Bert Fries, Jim Mack, and Darryl Young.
Say WHAAAT??? Paul asks Sarah. Linda Kettel and Betty Smith look equally perplexed.
Both Chuck and Bert say they have bought and paid for these babies!
Mary Lynn, Jeannie, and Rita entertain Jim Lonz.
Jim Lonz and Fr. Mike Ricker, former SPHS principal, share a common birthday and smile as the crowd serenades them.
Dolores Missler has a word with Fr. Mike Ricker.
Jim Mack and Steve Kochis prepare to confess past transgressions to Fr. Mike.
George and Mary Lynn Potts.
Bob and Phyllis Smith made sure Smittie had a place to sit.
Carolyn and Jack Meyer take in the scene.
Larry Hurst, Ed and Mary Lou Englert engage in heavy rap.
/p>Ron Hess and Rita
Lindy, Betty and Pat share a story or two.
A Pensive Paul
Chuck and Becky Nestor
Chuck Nestor and Donn Rospert compare notes.
Carolyn Fish
Kathy Hellman
Bert Fries and Steve Schumm played a few games together in their day.
The "Weep Sister" Lindy reads the names of deceased classmates with Fr. Mike Ricker.