Roger Wheeler

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Biography of Roger Wheeler

Military: U.S. Army, 1960-1962

Education: B.A. Kearney State College in Nebraska M.A. University of Iowa

Teaching: 1968 – 1974 Band director at Clear Creek High School in Oxford, Iowa

1974- 2005 Band director at West Holmes School in Millersburg, Ohio

Family: I married Carolyn Hubbell in Chillicothe, Ohio in 1966

Children: Kenneth, David, Ann, Thomas, and now ten grandchildren

Favorite Music: Serious band music, Traditional religious music, Classical music

Favorite Musical Group: U.S. Navy Band in Washington D.C. (I’m biased because my son, Tom, plays French horn in that band.

Activities: Family events, I sing in church choir, I play clarinet in the Dover Summer Band. We enjoy classical music concerts. We are both regular blood donors. I volunteer at the local food pantry. Carolyn is our church organist and plays viola in the Wooster Symphony Orchestra.

Vacations: We traveled previously with all four children, often camping to many states. Now Carolyn and I visit some places outside the U.S.

Favorite Sports Team: Cleveland Indians.

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